Ajrekar Mycological Herbarium (AMH)

Ajrekar Mycological HerbariumThe necessity of establishment of mycological herbarium in western part of India was greatly felt by researchers for carrying out comparative and monographic studies. Under the able guidance of Prof. M.N. Kamat, mycological herbarium was established in this Department (in 1968!) and named in the honor of pioneer mycologist of the state, and the first Head of this Department, late Prof. S.L. Ajrekar. The acronym- ‘AMH’ (Ajrekar Mycological Herbarium) was included in Index Herbariorum Part I, in 1974 and got international recognition. Since then acquision, verification, deposit and accession of mycological specimens, exchange of type materials with other world recognized herbaria such as HCIO (New Delhi, India), CMI (England), Stockholm (Sweden), Argentina, Padova (Italy), Royal Botanic Gardens (England), etc. has been regular activities. The AMH currently holds nearly 9500 fungal specimens and about 30,000 lichen samples. These include holotypes, isotypes and authentic specimens of several noteworthy indigenous genera and species of fungi and lichens.Well preserved fungal herbarium specimen (s)are also accepted form Indian researchers for authentication, deposit and accession in Ajrekar Mycological Herbarium (AMH). It is advised to submit duly filled-in and signed Form 5 along with fungal specimens (s). For other details and nfcci services, visit..http://nfcci.aripune.org/service.php
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