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Name : Dr. Sujata Tetali
Designation : Scientist – D
Brief Background :
My basic research training was in Cytogenetics and Plant breeding. Research topic for my Doctoral Degree was ‘Cytogenetic studies in Crotalaria Spp’. I studied mitotic and meiotic behaviour of 19 Crotalaria species and genetic diversity of 48 varieties of Crotalaria juncea.
After completion of my degree, I worked as Research Associate in developing Male sterile lines of Bajra in All India Co-ordinated Pearl Millet Improvement Project. The project involved large number of crosses in Pearl millet for developing male sterile lines, building of hybrids and testing their combining ability. It also involved multi-location trials for evaluation of promising hybrids and analysis of data from all centers.
Later on, Department of Science and Technology(DST), New Delhi awarded me a special woman scientist Project (WOS-B) entitled “Cultivation, harvesting, processing of Catharanthusroseus and Nothapodytesfoetida for the benefit of marginal women farmers.”
We educated and induced marginal women farmers of Bhima catchment area from Pune district of Maharashtra to cultivate medicinal plants in part of their farmland. The project involved extraction of two anticancer molecules viz. – Vinblastin sulphate and Camptothecin from Catharanthusroseus and Nothapodytesfoetida respectively.
DST also granted me another Woman Scientist Project (WOS-A) entitled “Haritarium – Preparation of digitized information database on threatened and endemic plants of Maharashtra”. The project helped in developing a digitalized mega database on endemic and threatened plants of Western Ghats. A software package for easy identification of Endemic and Threatened plant species of Western Ghats has been developed during the project.
Contact Details :
B.Sc.(Agri.)1985 Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli
M.Sc.(Agri.) 1987 Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli
- Ph.D.(Botany)University of Pune
My present research interest is in breeding grapes for disease resistance and seedlessness and implementation of molecular tools for grape improvement.
A project on molecular characterization of a seedless mutant in Grapes variety ARI 516 is in progress. Marker assisted selection for seedlessness in table grape breeding is also in progress.
Previously I was associated with International project on wheat entitled “Generating wheat germplasm with drought/heat tolerance using AB genome genetic diversity” – An international project of Generation Challenge program (GCP)funded by CGIAR.
During the course of this project, about 2,500 dicoccum based SHW (synthetic Hexaploid Wheat) and SBLs (Synthetic Backcross Lines) using A/B genome diversity were developed.
- Grape variety ARI 516 is identified for cultivation for processing purposein Maharashtra, Punjab, Telangana and Tamil Nadu during 7th AICRP meeting in 2020.
- Adsule P.G. and Sujata Tetali (2020): Post harvest of Agricultural produce, Ed. Devbrata DasguptaAgricultural Higher Education, Research and Extension in India, Agro bios (India)Jodhpur-342 003.Pp233-252
- Sujata Tetali (2019): Role of Plant Growth Regulators in the Cultivation of Grapes, Ed. S.N. Ghosh, R.K Tarai and T.R. Ahalawat, Plant growth regulators in tropical and subtropical fruit crops Part I, Jaya publishing house, New Delhi 110 095 (India) pp 241-249.
- Sujata Tetali, S.P. Karkamkar, S.V. Phalake (2018) Grape breeding for powdery mildew resistance. Indian J. Hort.,75 (4): 541-545.
- Singh P. N., Singh S. K., Tetali S.P. and Lagashetti A.C. (2017): Biocontrol of powdery mildew of grapes using culture filtrate and biomass of fungal isolates.Plant Pathology & Quarantine7(2): 181–189
- Pundarikakshudu Tetali, Sujata Tetali and VeturySitaramam (2017): Reconstruction of the origins of the ‘Padmavyuha’ based on ecobiology of NymphyanauchaliBurn.f.: Lost details of an ancient war craft Annals of Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, (93):193-204
- Sujata Tetali and S.P. Karkamkar (2016): Cayratiasps. of family Vitaceae for utilization in grape improvement programme, International Journal of Minor Fruits, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,2(2):14-21
- Sujata Tetali, S.P. Karkamkar and S.C.Misra (2014): Induction of rooting in grape (ARI 516) Bioinfolet, 11 (3B)930-933
- Gill M.I.S., N.K. Arora, Krishan Kumar, G.S. Karibasappa, Sujata Tetali, S.P. Karkamkar, S.C. Misra and S.N.Ghosh (2013): Grape Ed. S.N.Ghosh Tropical and Sub Tropical Fruit Crops: Crop Improvement and Varietial Wealth Part 1, Jaya publishing house, New Delhi 110195 (India) pp. 293-334
- Arvindkumar Salunkhe, ShubhadaTamhankar, Sujata Tetali, Maria Zaharieva, David Bonnett, Richard Trethowan and Satish Misra (2013): Molecular genetic diversity analysis in emmer wheat (TriticumDicocconSchrank) from India Genet Resour Crop Evol. 60:165-174 (DOI 10.1007/s10722-012-9823-9 ) Published on line 7th April 2012.
- D. Bhagwat, B.K. Honrao, V.M. Khade, M.D. Oak, Sujata Tetali, S.C. Misra, A.M.Chavan, V.D. Surve&V.S.Rao.(2009): Genetics and linkange studies of free threshing and grain type traits in Triticumdicoccum L.’ Indian J. Genet.71(1) 64-66.
- Tetali, ShrikantSutar&Sujata Tetali (2008) – Selective Insectivory in Nymphaea nouchaliBurm.f. Nature precedings: hdl:10101/npre.2008.1817.1
- Tetali, Sujata Tetali , P.V. Joshi, Sanjay Kulkarni, P. Laxminarasimhan and P.V. Prasanna (2004) Ecological and conservation studies of Abutilon RanadeiWoodr. Et Stapf. J. Bombay Nat. His. Soc., Vol 101(3): 344-352.
- Tetali, Sujata Tetali, P.Laxminarasimhan, P.V.Prasanna& B.G. Kulkarni (2003):Redicovery of CeropegiaevansiiMcC.(Asclepiadaceae) from Maharashtra, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 100(1). 162-166.
- Tetali, P.Laxminarasimahan, P.V.Prasanna&Sujata Tetali (2002): New distributional record of Drimiarazii Ansari (Liliaeae) from Maharashtra, Bulletin of Botanical Survey of India.
- Tetali, P. Laxminarasimhan, P.V.Prasanna&Sujata Tetali (2000): Rediscovery of Dipcadimaharashtrasis Deb et Dasgupta (Liliaceae), an endemic and threatened species from Maharashtra,India. Rheedea,10(2): 127-130.
- Tetali, Sujata Tetali, Manish Lale& M.S. Kumbhojkar (1999): Abnormal trailing habit of Carallumaadscendens (Roxb.) R.Br. The Indian Forester., 125(5):537-538.
- Tetali, D.K. Kulkarni, Sujata Tetali and M.S. Kumbhojkar (1998): A new species of BrachystelmaR.Br. (Asclepiadaceae) from Maharashtra, India Rheedea, 8(1): 75-77.
- Tetali, Sujata Tetali, D.K. Kulkarni, M.S. Kumbhojkar (1997): Association of FrereaindicaDalz. – an endangered plant species with Euphorbia neriifoliaL.and its importance in habitat conservation Curr.Sci.,73(7):563 – 565.
- Tetali, Sujata Tetali, D.K. Kulkarni, M.S. Kumbhojkar (1997): Status and Conservation studies for FrereaindicaDalz., J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 94(1):115-121.
- S. Dukre, D.V. Sahane, S.P. Tetali and M.J.Wattamwar (1992): Effect of cross pollination on yield potential of promising pearl Millet hybrids and Varieties. Millets News letter, 11: 10-11
- P. Birari and S.L.Ghanekar (1992) Genetic diversity in Lablab bean. J. Maharashtra agric. Univ., 17(2): 257-260.
- S.P. Birari & S.L.Ghankar (1991) :Genetic Variability in Field Bean (Lablab purpureus(L.)Sweet. Biovigyanam, 17(1):42-44.