Dr. BhaskarCharan Behera

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Name : Dr. Rajesh Kumar K. C

Designation : Scientist – E

Brief Background :

Dr Rajesh Kumar K. C. is Ph.D. from the Forest Research Institute University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India where he worked in the field of plant pathology and thrived to study the pathogenic fungal diversity of the Western Ghats of Kerala. He pursued his postdoctoral research with CABI UK (formerly IMI,Kew) on biocontrol of Himalayan Balsam and Hedychium species and extensively surveyed the fungal biocontrol agents of the mid Himalayas. His hard work and passion in the field of mycology, enlisted him as a Scientist B in NFCCI, Pune, India where he serves as an integral part of the core fungal taxonomy team. With his significant contributions in the field of mycology and the NFCCI, he continued his career as Scientists C and D.

His work presently focuses towards most modern polyphasic taxonomy of Indian Ascomycota. He has been an active member of various committees of the institution and has disposed his services to enhance the structural and functional stability of the institute. He has established collaborative research work with eminent stalwarts, including Dr Amy Rossman, Dr Hyde, Prof.Crous, Dr Seifert, Prof. Castaneda and Dr Wijayawardene that have been emanated asvaluable contributions in the field of mycology. With his pervasive experience in fungal taxonomy, he is a valuable member of many international groups and collaborations. He also serves as an editor for prestigious journals including, MycoAsia, Frontiers in Fungal Biology etc. and is an active reviewer for research published in journals, Mycological Progress, Mycokeys, Plant Disease journal etc.

Dr Rajesh has been a mentor to Ph.D. and M.Sc research scholars and continues to strive for his passion and work in the field of mycology.As an ardent promoter of fungal biology as a subject, his assiduousness makes him believe in the concept of scientific learning with practical relevance. He has been an active organiser of scientific events, including workshops, conferences and symposiums, that has not only provided the participants a transcendent wellspring of knowledge, but with his sublime methods coupled with employment of various modern learning platforms, he has been able to gain popularity as an efficient mentor for understanding and learning fungal taxonomy.

Contact Details :

0091+020 25325106 (Telephone)

0091 20 25651542 (Fax)

  • Scientist D, National Fungal Culture Collection of India (July 2018 to present), Biodiversity and Palaeobiology(Fungi) Group, Agharkar Research Institute, Pune.
  • Scientist C, National Fungal Culture Collection of India (Jan 2014 to June 2018),Biodiversity and Palaeobiology(Fungi) Group, Agharkar Research Institute, Pune.
  • Scientist B, National Fungal Culture Collection of India (October 2008 to June 2013), Biodiversity and Palaeobiology(Fungi) Group, Agharkar Research Institute, Pune.
  • Post-Doctoral Fellow (2008) in a project entitled “Studies on Natural Enemies of Impatiensglandulifera and Hedychium spp. in the Himalayas” by CAB International, London, UK
  • Doctor of Philosophy Degree (2008): Doctoral thesis in Forestry (Mycology & Plant Pathology), topic entitled “Biodiversity of Plant Pathogenic Fungi in Natural Forests in Kerala part of the Western Ghats” under Forest Research Institute University, Dehra Dun. India
  • Master’s Degree (2001): Masters in Life Sciences (First Rank), Kuvempu University, Karnataka. Bachelor of Botany, Kannur University, Kerala
  • Dr Rajesh Kumar is a dedicated member of the NFCCI,B&P (Fungi) group. His interest lies in the subject mycology with his expertise in taxonomy of fungi, plant pathology, molecular biology of fungi and lichens, etc. He has proved himself to be an adept and proficient member of the institute, that is much apparent from his publications, collaborative research, presentations, and articles. His work lies primarily in developing and substantiating baseline information about fungal systematics by exploring the diversity of plant pathogenic fungi, soil and litter fungi from the Western Ghats and Indian Himalayas. His research group visions the modern aspects of the culture dependent studies on sexual and asexual relations in these fungi, determination of generic as well as family relationships using multi-gene sequencing and phylogeny and profiling of secondary metabolite for applied research.
  • Dr Rajesh has accrued knowledge in the Polyphasic Taxonomy of fungal families such as Aspergillaceae andTrichocomaceae, that includes the morphological, molecular and chemical characterizationsof fungal genera.He and his group also enterprises in studying the fungal diversity in Western Ghats; especially micro-fungal diversity that lies underexplored and underutilized especially in applied research. Studies on economically important genera like Aspergillus, Penicillium and Talaromycesare also undertaken. The morphological characterization, molecular data, secondary metabolite profiling and database related to these fungal species augurs the researchers, academicians as well as the industrialists to tap the potential of these Indian fungi for applied and basic research.His future goals envisage fungal research to gain momentum and prosper. He aims to make significant contributions,both academic and administrational, making his institution stand to more firm foundations. His utmost priority stands tall for continuous enhancement of the knowledge and understanding of fungal biology to students and researchers to reach global standards. 
  • Hyde KD, Dong Y, Phookamsak R.…Rajeshkumar KC, Haelewaters D, Mortimer PE, Zhao Q, Lumyong S, Xu J, Sheng J. (2020) Fungal diversity notes 1151–1276: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity100: 5–277. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13225-020-00439-5
  • RajeshkumarKC, Hyde KD, Wijayawardene NN, Madrid H, Lad SS, Boonmee S, Fatima S. (2019). Tubeufiasahyadriensis (Tubeufiaceae), a new dictyosporous anamorph from theWestern Ghats, India.Phytotaxa 423 (3): 171–181 (IF 1. 18)
  • RajeshkumarKC, Yilmaz N, Marathe SD, Seifert KA. (2019). Morphology and multigene phylogeny of Talaromycesamyrossmaniae, a new synnematous species belonging to the section Trachyspermi from India. MycoKeys. 45: 41–56. (IF 3.2)
  • Wijayawardene NN, Pawłowska J, Letcher PM, Kirk PM, Humber RA, Schüßler A, Wrzosek M, Muszewska A… RajeshkumarKC et al. (2018). Notes for genera: basal clades of Fungi (including Aphelidiomycota, Basidiobolomycota, Blastocladiomycota, Calcarisporiellomycota, Caulochytriomycota, Chytridiomycota, Entomophthoromycota, Glomeromycota, Kickxellomycota, Monoblepharomycota, Mortierellomycota, Mucoromycota, Neocallimastigomycota, Olpidiomycota, Rozellomycota and Zoopagomycota). Fungal diversity. 92(1):43-129. (IF 14. 1)
  • RajeshkumarKC, Bhat DJ, Lad SS, Wijayawardene NN, Singh SK, Pandkar MR, Maurya DK, Ashtekar ND, Hyde KD. (2018). Morphology and phylogeny of Tamhinisporasrinivasanii nov. (Tubeufiaceae) from northern Western Ghats, India. Phytotaxa 346(1): 113–120 (IF 1. 18)
  • Wijayawardene NN, Hyde KD, Divakar PK, RajeshkumarKC, Weerahewa D, Delgado G, Wang Y, Fu L. (2018). Notes for genera update – Ascomycota: 6616-6821. Mycosphere 9(1):115–140 (IF 2.0)
  • Wijayawardene NN, Hyde KD, RajeshkumarKC, Hawksworth DL, Madrid H, Kirk PM et al. (2017). Notes for genera: Ascomycota. Fungal Diversity 86 (1): 1– (IF 14. 1)
  • Tibpromma S, Hyde KD, Jeewon R, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Liu JK, RajeshkumarKC … et al. (2017). Fungal diversity notes 491–602: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity 83 (1): 1– (IF 14.1)
  • RajeshkumarKCand Prakash PY. (2017). Taxonomic Updates with Key Focus on Medically Important Aspergilli. In Molecular Markers in Mycology, 251-255., Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.
  • RajeshkumarKC, Crous PW, Groenewald JZ, Seifert KA. (2016). Resolving the phylogenetic placement of Porobeltraniellaand allied genera in the Beltraniaceae. Mycological Progress. 15 (10-11): 1119-1136. (IF 1.9)
  • M Hernández-Restrepo, Schumacher RK., Wingfield MJ., Ahmad I, Cai L, Duong TA, Edwards J, Gené J, Groenewald JZ,Jabeen S, Khalid AN, Lombard L, Madrid H, Marin-Felix Y, Marincowitz S, Miller AN, RajeshkumarKC, Rashid A, SarwarS, Stchigel AM, Taylor PWJ, Zhou N, Crous PW (2016) Fungal Systematics and Evolution: FUSE 2. Sydowia 68:193–230. (IF 0.8)
  • RajeshkumarKC, Marathe SD, Madhusudhanan K, Castaneda-Ruiz RF (2016) Taxonomic re-evaluation and phylogenetic position of Hemibeltraniacinnamomiwithin Xylariales. Mycotaxon 131 (1):87–94. doi:10.5248/131.87
  • RajeshkumarKC, Marathe SD, Sneha S. Lad, Deepak K. Maurya, Sanjay K. Singh, Santosh V Swami (2016) Rediscovery of Penicillium paradoxum (Ascomycete, Aspergillaceae) from Maharashtra, India. Journal of Threatened taxa 8(6): 8919-8922.
  • RajeshkumarKC (2014) A reappraisal of the fungus genus Phalangispora with the rediscovery of bharathensis on leaf litter of Mangiferaindica from the northern Western Ghats, India. Journal of Threatened taxa 6(9): 6278-6281.
  • RajeshkumarKC and Amy Y. Rossman. (2013).Taiwanascussamuelsii nov., an addition to Niessliaceaefrom the Western Ghats, Kerala, India. IMA Fungus 4 (1), 1–4. doi:10.5598/imafungus.2013.04.01.01
  • RajeshkumarKCand Sharma R.(2013). Tamhinisporaa new genus belongs to familyTubeufiaceaefrom the Western Ghats, India based on morphology and phylogenetic analysis. Mycosphere 4(2), 1–10, Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/4/2/2
  • RajeshkumarKC, Kajale S, Sutar SA and Singh SK. (2012). Ellisembiakaradkensis nov. from the Western Ghats, India. Mycotaxon 121:181-186.
  • RajeshkumarKC and Singh SK. (2012). Manoharachariellaindica nov. from the Western Ghats, India. Mycotaxon 120: 43-48.
  • RajeshkumarKC, Rahul P. Hepat, Swami SV, Singh PN & Singh SK. (2011). Morphology and molecular studies onPseudocercosporakamalii nov. a foliar pathogen on Terminalia from India. Mycotaxon 117: 227–237.
  • RajeshkumarKC, Rahul P. Hepat, Subhash B. Gaikwad & Sanjay K. Singh(2011). Pilidiellacrousii nov. from the northern Western Ghats, India. Mycotaxon115: 155-162.
  • RajeshkumarKC, PN Singh, LS Yadav, Santosh Swami, SK Singh(2010).Chaetospermumsetosum nov. from the Western Ghats, India. Mycotaxon113: 397-404.
  • Mohanan C, Rajeshkumar KC,Yesodharan K (2010)Coniella causing foliage diseases in forest species in Kerala, India. Indian journal of Forestry, 33 (3): 355-360.
  • Mohanan C, Ratheesh N, Rajeshkumar KC (2010). Teak (TectonagrandisL.f.) roottrainer nurseries: Diseases and their management. Indian journal of Forestry, 33 (4): 519-523.

  • SK Singh, LS Yadav, PN Singh, R Sharma &RajeshkumarKC (2010). A new record of Gliocephalotrichum (Hypocreales) from India. Mycotaxon114: 163-169.
  • RajeshkumarKC, LS Yadav, PN Singh, SK Singh(2009). Diversity of microfungi in Deccan Plateau of the Western Ghats, India, 36th Annual Meeting of Mycological Society of India, Goa University, Panaji, Goa 29-30 October 2009.
  • Mohanan C, RajeshkumarKC(2008). Ganoderma root and butt rot of Acacia mangium plantations in Kerala, India, Indian Journal of Forestry. Vol. 31 (3): 375-378.
  • RajeshkumarKC, 2008. Biodiversity of plant pathogenic fungi in natural forests in the Kerala part of the Western Ghats, India. Ph. D Thesis, Forest Research Institute University, Dehra Dun, India. 201p
  • Mohanan C, N. Ratheesh, Nair LP,RajeshkumarKC (2005).  Disease Problems in Root Trainer Forest Nurseries in Kerala state and their Management. In: Lilja, J.R. Sutherland, M. Poteri and C. Mohanan (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th meeting of IUFRO Working Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Finland. 7-12 pp

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