Advt. No. Upload Date Description
ADVT-No-Rect.T/21/PAA&PTA/2023-24 March 16, 2024 List of Candidates Shortlisted for Interview to be held on Tuesday 19th March 2024 at 12.00 P.M. for the position of Project Technician Assistant purely on short term contract basis
ADVT. No. Rect.T/21/PAA&PTA/2023-24 March 16, 2024 List of Candidates Shortlisted for Interview to be held on Tuesday 19th March 2024 at 11.00 A.M. for the position of Project Administrative Assistant (Admin. Services) purely on short term contract basis.
ADVT. 01/RecT/18/ZOO-18/2023-24 March 7, 2024 List of Candidates Shortlisted for Online Interview to be held on Thursday, 7 th March 2024, from 11.00 a.m. onwards for the position of ‘Project Assistant’ (1 No.) under ARI Sponsored Project (ZOO-18) in the Developmental Biology group of ARI.
Zebrafish Gut Microbiome Workshop February 21, 2024 Hands-On workshop on Tools and Techniques for Studying Pathophysiology and Gut Microbiome in Zebrafish
Hands on Workshop – Molecular Cloning February 19, 2024 Hands-On workshop on “Molecular Cloning” - DNA amplification, AGE, Gel purification, Restriction Digestion, Ligation, transformation, Plasmid isolation
ADVT. 01/RecT/17/SP-342/2023-24 February 13, 2024 List of Shortlisted Candidates for the position of ‘Field Assistant / Worker (One Post)
ADVT. 01/RecT/14/SP-351/2023-24 January 31, 2024 List of Shortlisted Candidates for the position of ‘Research Associate-I (1 No.)
ADVT/RecT/ 14/ SP-351/2023-24 January 10, 2024 Extension of Last Date for Submission of Recruitment Application
ADVT. 01/RecT/12/SP-332/2023-24 November 20, 2023 List of Candidates Shortlisted for Online Interview to be held on Tuesday, 28th November 2023, from 10.00 a.m. onwards for the position of ‘Junior Research Fellow’ (1 No.) under SERB Sponsored Project (SP-332) in the Genetics and Plant Breeding Group of ARI.
ADVT/RecT/ 12/ SP-332/2023-24 November 9, 2023 Extension of Last Date for Submission of Recruitment Application