Dr Tushar Kaushik

Name : Sachin Mapari

Designation : Ph.D. Scholar

Brief Background :

Bachelor of Science (Chemistry)

Master of Science (Biochemistry) (“A” Grade)


I completed my master’s in biochemistry from the Department of Chemistry, SPPU, Pune. I started my research career as project-JRF after joining ARI’s in-house project (BD-06) “Study of Neuroprotective Potential via Antioxidant Action and Active Constituents Determination of Parmelioid Lichens from Western Himalaya Region”. While working on this project, my interest in lichens and their secondary metabolites increased, and I started my doctorate in biotechnology on lichen bioprospection.

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Phytochemistry and ethnopharmacology

Lichens are the dominant life-form available throughout the world. It presents a symbiotic association between two or more organisms (photobiont and mycobiont). These unique organisms produce many secondary metabolites that are often structurally unique. Currently, we are working on western Himalayan High altitude lichens (Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand) in search of potential multitarget drug candidates with neuroprotective and anti-cancer potential.

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